Dynamic Dimensioning with the Nordic TSOs: Principles and Methodologies

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Working Together: Developing Probabilistic Models with Nordic TSOs for Multi-Area Reserves Dimensioning

The Transmission System Operator (TSO) in power systems ensures that there is a balance between power generation and consumption within its designated control area. Operating reserves are available capacity that can be used to adjust power levels as needed to maintain this balance. Insufficient reserve capacity heightens the possibility of having to take emergency actions, like reducing demand or cutting back on power generation, which should be avoided.

It's increasingly hard to find the right balance of capacity to run the system reliably without increasing costs. This challenge is exacerbated by the growing presence of weather-dependent generation in the system, leading to greater forecast inaccuracies.

However, these uncertainties should not block the transition to a fully renewable energy system. Implementing dynamic reserve sizing is a practical method for performing balancing activities in the future energy system. Some of the advantages of adjusting the balancing capacity dynamically are:



  • Anticipate high-risk and low-risk periods based on day-ahead conditions
  • Calibration of the desired reliability objectives and trade-off with other adequacy KPIs
  • Account for cooperation agreements with neighboring control zones
  • Use of state-of-the-art predictive models and prognosis of the expected risk



About the Author

Alberte holds a double master's degree in Energy Engineering from KTH (Sweden) and KU Leuven (Belgium) with a specialization in Smart Grids. He works on applications of mathematical programming and machine learning within electric power system operations, such as grid expansion planning or sizing of balancing capacity.

Alberte Bouso