Remedial Action Optimization to help TSOs and RCCs prevent grid congestion

The N-SIDE Remedial Action Optimization solution 

  • Optimizes your decisions related to remedial actions and grid management
  • Is entirely customizable to your needs and can be integrated into a variety of processes
  • Helps you embrace today’s and tomorrow's energy challenges and move towards a greener energy system

Maximizing Grid Efficiency, Reliability, and Renewable Integration


Optimize planning and operational processes

  • Efficiently co-optimize costly remedial actions (re-dispatch, curtailment, etc.) and non-costly remedial actions (topology reconfiguration,  line switching, PST setpoints).
  • Reduce overloading and re-dispatch costs
  • Maintain the grid N-1 safety
  • Relieve incompatibilities between planned outages

Enhance the capacity calculation process

  • Optimize the transmission capacity offered to cross-zonal trade
  • Regulatory compliance: ensure the 70% criterion (Clean Energy Package) is met
  • Improve cost efficiency within the existing infrastructure

Enable the integration of more Renewable Energy Sources (RES)

  • Efficiently cope with the intermittent and distributed nature of Renewable Energy Sources
  • Proactively anticipate peak periods and mitigate potential issues before they occur
  • Increase overall grid flexibility and reduce RES curtailment thanks to topology optimization




At N-SIDE, reliability isn't just a promise, it's a proven track record, which is demonstrated daily through rigorous operational standards.

For instance, with our Power Matching algorithms, N-SIDE boasts over 3800 days of successful operational runs, while serving 1.8 billion people, with 200 million € of averaged daily matched trades.

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N-SIDE stands out for its tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each client. We create entirely customizable products and services designed to integrate seamlessly into existing operations.



N-SIDE proudly holds the certification for ISO 27001 standards, attesting to its commitment to maintaining robust information security practices. This compliance framework guarantees that your data is managed with the utmost care and diligence.

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System operators

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Increase efficiency and reduce cost while maintaining high reliability.

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Become more agile.

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Reduce balancing reservation costs by up to 10%.

Power Exchanges

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Optimize price setting and bid acceptance at maximum social welfare value.

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Optimize allocation of cross-border scheduled exchanges.

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Work with the company whose solutions enable 200M€ in matched trades daily.

Market Participants

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Get robust and non-ambiguous recommendations.

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Profit from value-based pricing.

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Benefit from an objective function fitting your precise needs.

Case study

EUPHEMIA: How the European Power Exchanges couple the electricity market

The EUPHEMIA algorithm developed by N-SIDE calculates electricity prices across 25 European countries and allocates cross-border transmission capacity on a day-ahead basis.

Read Case Study

Featured resources

White paper

Accelerate time to market with clinical supply optimization

Wastage in clinical trials is accepted as the norm, but there is another way: end-to-end clinical supply chain optimization. Download white paper

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud. View Webinar
Case study

Sanofi improves clinical trial monitoring with N-SIDE Suite for Clinical Trials

Sanofi has implemented a new solution to improve clinical trial monitoring: using dashboards from the N-SIDE Suite for Clinical Trials. Read case study

Title lorem ipsum dolor sit amet tempor

Description lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Featured resources

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N-SIDE solves grid congestion

The software maximizes the potential of non-costly actions in the operational planning, reducing OPEX and increasing operational margins in the grid.

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Tertiary Voltage Control Optimization: a successful demonstrator for decision support in the Control Room

Explore how advanced algorithms optimize tertiary voltage control for grid stability, ensuring efficiency, safety, and cost savings in energy systems.

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