


August 28 - September 02, 2022



EN - CIGRE wrap-up - Video - Thumbnail
13:00 - 13:25, August 31 | Experts Forum, level 3

How to empower grid operators with AI


With the energy transition, volatility and uncertainty are progressively becoming the daily routine in the control room. Therefore, grid operators must be equipped with the right tools to navigate through this new emerging complexity.

This session will be focused on two pillars:

  1. Foresight: How to leverage the newest probabilistic & graph-based forecasting techniques to allow better planning.

  2. Mitigation: How to implement AI decision support tools to help mitigate congestion & voltage issues.

Around those two use-cases, grid operators will learn how AI can empower them to build the control room of the future.

To attend any session at CIGRE, including N-SIDE speaking session, registration is required by CIGRE


Wolf Berwouts Head of Energy Incubation

Wolf is an experienced professional in the energy sector with more than 10 years of experience in operational, commercial and innovation positions. With a master in Electromechanical Engineering from KULeuven (Belgium), and studies in big data & analytics, Wolf is well placed to drive digitalization and innovation. For more than two years, Wolf manages a team of data scientists and developers to build AI powered software for and together with system operators to support them in the on-going energy transition.

Download Wolf Berwouts Presentation