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Through this presentation, Maxime Hanot, Energy Analytics Consultant (N-SIDE), and Martin Kroes, Operational Planning Engineer (Elia) presented how Constraint Programming has been combined with business know-how, leading to a more agile, more integrated, and more optimal Outage Planning and leading to a real integration into Elia’s operational processes.
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Ir. Maxime Hanot holds a Master Degree in Mathematical Engineering from UCLouvain (Belgium). His fields of expertise are mathematical modelling, constraint programming, and (semi-)supervised learning. He is the product Owner of the N-SIDE Outage Planning Optimization solution for System and Network Operators as well as the technical lead for N-SIDE on the H2020 European project “FlexPlan”.
Martin has been working for more than five years in the operational world of the National Control Center of Elia. As Operational Planning Engineer, he helps shape the electrical grid of the future by making sure all outages needed for grid extension and maintenance are done in due time while making sure the grid remains (N-1) secure. Martin is leading the implementation of new tools and processes allowing more agile and efficient planning of grid interventions at Elia. He thinks this is essential to cope with the increased complexity and uncertainty coming from the integration of renewable energy sources on a European level, an important enabler for a carbon-free future.